Feeling good insights

Pomegranate | the fruit that brings us autumn. Do you know him well?
A fruit with infinite properties, considered a real vaccine.
Let's discover all its qualities together!

iafstore Staff
September 25, 2020

Supplements and Foods for Healthy and Strong Hair
Did you know that hair loss and brittle, breaking hair can be related to an unbalanced diet? In this post, we see foods and natural hair supplements that can help nourish our hair deeply.

Solar Supplements | How to Best Prepare your Skin for the Sun
Here is a list of the best nutraceutical solar supplements and natural extracts that help you prepare and protect your skin from damage caused by sun exposure. Start taking them 4 weeks before sun exposure to appreciate the maximum benefit!

Stress hormone | What happens when we have high cortisol?
Here's what happens when we suffer from high cortisol, an excess of the stress hormone that we naturally produce. The symptoms of high cortisol can be kept under control thanks to special supplements against stress and the right levels of physical activity, to avoid the overtraining syndrome.

iafstore Staff
March 23, 2020

Supplements for the elderly | When do they help?
Food supplements and tonics for elder people can actively help treating certain pathologies and reintegrate fundamental elements for complete health.

iafstore Staff
March 18, 2020

How many hours to sleep to get up truly rested?
The answer to this and other questions about the nature of sleep in the article will help you understand how and why to sleep better and how to manage sleep if you are an "owl" or "lark".

Ludovico Lemme
February 07, 2020

Everything on Coenzyme Q10 | What it is used for, where it is, properties
The extraordinary properties and benefits of coenzyme Q10 are linked to the ability to increase energy production and antioxidant action. Let's see how athletes can take advantage of the use of coenzyme Q10 both to improve energy production and for muscle recovery.

iafstore Staff
December 03, 2019

Which somatotype are you? Mesomorph, Endomorph, Ectomorph
Mesomorphic, endomorphic or ectomorphic? Did you know that you probably don't belong to just a single somatotype? Find out which somatotype you are and the best gym training tips for each one!

Ludovico Lemme
November 26, 2019

Sport and the menstrual cycle | The complete guide
Premenstrual syndrome and menstruation symptoms can be a challenge for us athletes, but they certainly don't stop us in our tracks! In this post, we have collected together everything you need to know about training during the menstrual cycle, including what to eat during the cycle and what to avoid.

iafstore Staff
November 06, 2019

Detox bath | Get rid of toxins with these 3 simple ingredients!
Did you know that you just need to add 3 simple ingredients to your hot bath to get a detox effect? Detox baths are not only relaxing: they also purify the body of toxins by combining the warmth of water with natural ingredients with detoxifying power. Read here how to do it!

iafstore Staff
November 04, 2019

What is the role of salt in our diet?
We often hear that eating too much salty food is unhealthy. However, sodium is an essential mineral for maintaining our body's equilibrium. So let's gain some clarity and explore the reasons why we need salt, where it is found and how much we need to consume to feel our best.

iafstore Staff
August 05, 2019

Menopause: symptoms, risks and prevention
Menopause is a complex period in a woman's life.Although difficult, this physiological period needs to be faced not only from a physical perspective, but also from a psychological and social point of view.In this article, Francesca Marino outlines the symptoms, risks and means of forestalling this "new phase" in a woman's life.

Francesca Marino
February 15, 2019