Sports Disciplines
Sports Disciplines

Dehydration in endurance sports
In a sedentary person, the daily exchange of water is about 2.5 litres (intake and output), but the liquids that actually circulate in the entire digestive system amount to about 9 litres. In an athlete, the quantities vary considerably due to an increase in outflow, mainly in the form of sweat. These losses must be adequately compensated for by an increase in intake.

Energy bars for cycling and endurance sports
Endurance sports, also known as endurance, are activities that require long aerobic efforts with prolonged muscle fatigue. Energy bars are an excellent solution for replenishing the body with substances that enable prolonged aerobic sports activities and provide the right amount of energy.

iafstore Staff
August 17, 2021

7 must-see supplements for cycling
Whether you are a road, dirt or track cyclist, here are the 7 must-have supplements for this exceptional sport that requires energy, Energy and endurance.

iafstore Staff
July 14, 2021

Nutrition and Body Composition in Sports with Weight Categories
In this article, Dr. Carmine Orlandi analyzes the concept of athlete's body composition and exposes his experience in the study and nutritional monitoring of Olympic athletes of the 2008 Italian National Team in Sports with Weight Categories.

Running and its exceptional benefits
Running is a very popular physical activity and in a society heavily conditioned by stress and daily frenzy, more and more people approaching running; an economic and practical activity.
Everyone knows that running is a great way to get back in shape but not everyone knows that there is much more..

Luca Gargiulo
March 04, 2021

Running in the mountains: 4 useful tips for effective training
When we talk about running we often think only of the road, of busy streets that cross urban centers, training dictated by rigid tables in search of the perfect performance.
But running is also something else and for the "wild" there is also mountain running or trail running

Luca Gargiulo
November 04, 2020

Calisthenics | Why Take Joint Supplements?
Why should an athlete who practices calisthenics and bodyweight workouts take joint supplements? In this post we will see the importance of food supplementation for an athlete who practices calisthenics as a main discipline.

The 3 Most Common Mistakes in the Gym and How to Avoid Them
Here are three of the mistakes to avoid in the gym and during training for any type of sport. These are common behaviors that can lead to dangerous consequences, such as injuries, inflammation, overtraining, and performance impairment.

Azotemia and Bodybuilding
Word to the expert: Davide Gariboldi explains how to deal with blood azotemia in bodybuilding and the importance of correctly balancing nutrition and training.

Very interesting interview with our bikini Asia Callegari

iafstore Staff
June 14, 2019