
Ashwagandha: the game changer against stress!
Ashwagandha is one of the strongest adaptogens we have available in nature and is a harbinger of great benefits in times of high stress or calorie restriction.

Giorgia Baglio
August 18, 2021

Spirulina algae and its multiple benefits
The algae are then very rich in nutritive phytocompounds with more varied properties (depending on the species).
Spirulina, in particular, contains mostly proteins (up to 60%) with an excellent amino acid profile, in addition, ALA, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Giorgia Baglio
August 11, 2021

Beauty and well-being of your hair: SOS sun and salt
Hair health is a topic of great interest, especially in summer. If you find yourself battling with dry, dull and brittle hair at the end of your holiday every year, it is time to learn how to take a few precautions to protect your hair. Find out with us how!

iafstore Staff
July 22, 2021

Nutraceutical and bone health
Nutraceutical offers us a valuable support for the health of our bones and joints, thanks to several natural remedies.
We ask so much to ourselves and we hardly stop at the first signs, such small annoyances and daily pains. The consequences come with the passage of time, for sedentary subjects as well as for sports and competitive ones.

Giorgia Baglio
July 21, 2021

Gut and Physical Activity | How Does it Affect Endurance Athletes?
Gastrointestinal health and physical activity are closely linked, especially when practising endurance sports. Let's take a look at the best ways to control gastrointestinal disorders in athletes.

Rhodiola Rosea, a highly beneficial nutraceutical
The beneficial properties of Rhodiola Rosea are proven and attributable to the presence of phenylpropanoid glycosides, in particular salidroside and rosavidin. It stimulates the production of serotonin, adrenaline and dopamine, improving mood with an antidepressant effect but also optimizing the intellectual capacity and acting positively on metabolic functions at the heart and muscle level.

Giorgia Baglio
July 20, 2021

Hydration and beauty, what to do in summer
Hydration is always essential, as our bodies are 60% water. In summer, hydration is more important than ever, because with high perspiration and the action of the sun's rays, proper salt rehydration allows us to keep our bodies healthy.

iafstore Staff
July 14, 2021

Sports nutrition | Nutrient Timing and Exercise
In this article we report some fundamentals taken from the most recent literature to create protocols of nutritional behavior in the various types of exercise. We will follow the essential subdivision which includes three fundamental treatment areas: pre-workout, intra-workout and post-workout.

Nutrition and Body Composition in Sports with Weight Categories
In this article, Dr. Carmine Orlandi analyzes the concept of athlete's body composition and exposes his experience in the study and nutritional monitoring of Olympic athletes of the 2008 Italian National Team in Sports with Weight Categories.

GDAs or "Glucose Disposal Agents": what they are and what they are for
Whatever your sporting goal is, in order to improve your body composition, it is important that you know the fundamental role played by insulin towards amino acid uptake, in protein synthesis and in the successful storage of muscle and hepatic glycogen. .

What is the microbiota
By microbiota we mean the population of bacteria, fungi, viruses and protists that live with us in our organism in a symbiotic way (without causing damage), in fact we are 90% composed of microbes and only 10% of human cells.
Niccolò Balboni
July 06, 2021

Abdominal pain and swelling: causes and remedies
The abdomen is home to millions of processes ranging from the digestion of food, to the selection of waste to be eliminated, to the "creation" and management of our immune system, to the management of our emotions (it is not just a saying " belly "). As a consequence of these many processes, there can be many causes of pain and swelling; we will try to analyze them in a synthetic but sufficient way to be able to put into practice some useful precautions to improve our well-being.

Mara Besacchi
July 06, 2021