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Abdominal pain and swelling: causes and remedies
Abdominal pain and swelling: causes and remedies

Abdominal pain and swelling: causes and remedies

Date: July 06, 2021

Today, continuing our Natural Medicine blog, we will deal with a topic that involves many people, albeit for different causes: abdominal pain accompanied mostly by swelling. The abdomen is home to millions of processes ranging from the digestion of food, to the selection of waste to be eliminated, to the "creation" and management of our immune system, to the management of our emotions (it is not just a saying " belly").
As a consequence of these many processes, there can be many causes of pain and swelling; we will try to analyze them in a synthetic but sufficient way to be able to put into practice some useful precautions to improve our well-being.


Nutrition is one of the main factors in the cause of annoying abdominal swelling (accompanied or not by meteorism). In function of this aspect we should take into account several things:

  • food combinations; fundamental in order to obtain a complete and correct digestion of the various foods is the application of some food combinations (I say some because the most "subtle" are applied only in particularly problematic or pathological subjects):
  • never mix different types of protein, let alone animal Protein with vegetable Protein,
  • Introduce fruit strictly by itself and of only one type (fruit salad: bad idea),
  • Avoid legumes by inserting them only rarely and not with animal protein sources: legumes require very long cooking, several water changes during cooking and often dehusking; from this it follows that originally they are not food suitable for human beings (in Natural Medicine it is food for humans what once could be eaten without the culinary technology we have today). Moreover, legumes are a source of carbohydrates (of poor quality as they are indigestible by man) and of few and poor Protein. The carbohydrates present in legumes, precisely because they are indigestible and of low quality, are directly responsible for the typical abdominal swelling from legumes (with or without meteorism).
  • Avoid milk, dairy products and yogurt by replacing them with rice, almond and oat drinks since dairy products have the strong characteristic of forming a sticky film in the viscera preventing the correct functioning of the villi; to this we add the fact that they lead to a conspicuous slowing of the lymphatic system (whose branches abound around the intestinal system).
  • Reduce the animal Protein taken as they are subjected to intestinal putrefaction by their nature.
  • Avoid gluten: a rule valid for the entire population and not only for celiacs since gluten causes considerable damage to all tissues and organs (absurdly the digestive system is one of the last to suffer gluten attacks) nervous system in the first place . Tests for celiac disease detect only a small percentage (under 10%) of people with problems and are largely fallacious.
  • Skip the cooked vegetables preferring fresh raw vegetables with fiber: green light to zucchini, cucumbers, fennel, carrots, iceberg lettuce tomatoes, while I would omit salads and lettuce.

The reduction in the amount of food ingested and the distancing of meals between them will certainly also help.

In addition to these simple rules, it would be good not to drink during the meal (primary rule of food hygiene) and chew very slowly. No less valid is the rule of abandoning thoughts, tensions and problems during meals (business meals !!!!) since our system "ingests" tensions along with food.


An efficient immune system means a regular gut and an unproblematic abdomen and vice versa. The relationship between the two systems is direct (digestive and immune) which is why it will be good to take care of your immune defenses to obtain, indirectly, abdominal well-being; in this regard, the intake of Glutamine and Vitamin C can be a valid help.


Our mind remains the one who commands and dictates the law to all our systems; there are people who pour their psyche on the stomach (gastritis, ulcers and gastropathies) and others who do the same with the intestine (swelling, constipation, colic). Managing emotions is a lifelong job, but becoming aware of the emotions that we subconsciously pour into our stomachs can already help us. "Emotional" people, shy, anxious, closed, fake bold, fake confident people (most of them), easily end up not showing their true nature (considered weak) by unloading everything on the abdominal area; then here is inexplicable colic, prominent abdomens apparently without cause, constant meteorism and multi-year constipation.


On the other hand, anxious, anxious "chesty" people tend to discharge their emotions at the gastric level.

What to do

Natural Medicine offers various aids for these types of problems, let's try to analyze some of them together:

  • Intake of Psyllium Fibre to increase fecal mass and soothe the intestinal walls.
  • Intake of charcoal in large doses to absorb excess gas and reduce bloating.
  • Intake of colostrum (not hydrolyzed) essential for the intestinal immune system.
  • Vaccinium Vitis Idaea MG, an ancient herbal remedy used specifically for intestinal problems.
  • Ficus Carica MG. used in Natural Medicine for overly emotional subjects.

The application of these precautions can bring great benefits in terms of health, well-being, but also aesthetics: no competitive athlete would like to appear on stage with a prominent lower abdomen or excessive meteorism disorders (classic moments always present in the back stages of competitions in an accentuated way). An athlete on the platform who presents himself with a flat stomach and free of disturbances always gets a better presentation than he would obtain with a dilated and tense stomach.

Bibliographic sources

The gluten sore; Lorenzo Acerra The milk sickness; Lorenzo Acerra Natural Medicine within everyone's reach; Manuel Lazaeta Acharàn.

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