Another excellence of the Yamamoto Nutrition stable is certainly CHNOS-MIMETIC®, our main GDA (Glucose Disposal Agent). Where does the importance of this product come from? Simply from the fact that whatever the goal of those who want to improve their body composition is, they know that insulin plays a key role in amino acid uptake, protein synthesis and the successful storage of muscle and hepatic glycogen, not only of correct efficiency of glucose utilization by the muscle cell. GDAs help to better convey carbohydrates towards conversion into muscle glycogen to the detriment of that into fat. Berberine, among the various benefits in its favor derived from traditional Chinese medicine, clinically demonstrates (with various very interesting studies) its strong Energy in helping blood sugar control (as well as improving blood parameters related to cholesterol) due to the fact that it acts on AMPK, a precious enzyme that is of fundamental importance in the body importance for energy uptake in the muscle cell, making fat burning work, improving glucose utilization efficiency and appetite control. The presence of chromium picolinate, alpha lipoic acid and cinnamon make CHNOS-MIMETIC® even more effective in favoring this vehicle action towards a more correct use of nutrients (in particular carbohydrates), where the work of the insulin towards the formation of glycogen. help control blood sugar (as well as improve blood parameters related to cholesterol) due to the fact that it acts on AMPK, a precious enzyme that is of fundamental importance in the body for energy uptake in the muscle cell, making it work fat burning, improving glucose utilization efficiency and appetite control. The presence of chromium picolinate, alpha lipoic acid and cinnamon make CHNOS-MIMETIC® even more effective in favoring this vehicle action towards a more correct use of nutrients (in particular carbohydrates), where the work of the insulin towards the formation of glycogen. help control blood sugar (as well as improve blood parameters related to cholesterol) due to the fact that it acts on AMPK, a precious enzyme that is of fundamental importance in the body for energy uptake in the muscle cell, making it work fat burning, improving glucose utilization efficiency and appetite control. The presence of chromium picolinate, alpha lipoic acid and cinnamon make CHNOS-MIMETIC® even more effective in favoring this vehicle action towards a more correct use of nutrients (in particular carbohydrates), where the work of the insulin towards the formation of glycogen.

GDAs or Glucose Disposal Agents: what they are and what they are for
GDAs or Glucose Disposal Agents: what they are and what they are for

Gabriele Trapani
July 08, 2021
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