
The 3 Most Common Mistakes in the Gym and How to Avoid Them
Here are three of the mistakes to avoid in the gym and during training for any type of sport. These are common behaviors that can lead to dangerous consequences, such as injuries, inflammation, overtraining, and performance impairment.

The Best 4 Exercises to Eliminate Love Handles
Let's see the best exercises to work on the area of the "love handles", that fat located between the oblique abdominals and the back that can be eliminated only with a synergistic approach of nutrition, integration, and training.

Functional Training | Training plans and functional exercises
Some examples of functional training plans to start inserting functional exercises into your weekly workout program.

Ludovico Lemme
May 05, 2020

Azotemia and Bodybuilding
Word to the expert: Davide Gariboldi explains how to deal with blood azotemia in bodybuilding and the importance of correctly balancing nutrition and training.

Functional training | Why functional exercises are not just a trend
In gyms, there is a lot of talking about functional training. Attention, this is not the usual fitness trend! Let's dive into this type of training and see what functional gymnastics is and the benefits of functional exercises for athletes.

Change the stimulus! 6 little-known exercises to vary muscle stimulation
Varying training and exercises to get out of the routine and work our muscles more fully is key to progress in the training program. Here are 6 little-known exercises that can help in breaking the routine.

Ludovico Lemme
February 20, 2020

Overweight and obesity | 5 exercises to plan your workout and lose weight
These 5 exercises for those who are overweight or obese are the starting point for targeted and gradual training that helps you lose weight in a healthy and safe way, maintaining results over time.

Giorgia Baglio
February 17, 2020

Useful Tips to Manage Nutrition and Training in Winter
The cold can be an ally for your line! The "cut phase" preceding the summer months corresponds to the "bulk phase" in the winter months. Here are the best tips and tricks for training and feeding in this mass phase.

Ludovico Lemme
January 06, 2020

Mind-muscle connection Part 1 | How to activate and improve it
Bodybuilding is a sport as much mental as physical. In this first part of the three articles dedicated to the fascinating mind-muscle connection, we see the definition of this concentration technique and why it is so important to stimulate muscle pump, quality, and growth during training.

iafstore Staff
October 22, 2019

Calisthenics MANIA! Basic exercise programme
Find out what the calisthenics workout is, what are the basic exercises you can already do without the need for equipment or gym, the best advice for beginners who approach this type of training and the benefits of calisthenics for the body.

Beatrice Delogu
September 10, 2019