L-carnitine | What it is used for and why to take it
L-carnitine is a non-essential amino acid found mainly in red meat, but can also be taken in the form of a food supplement. Are you a sportsman and wondering what L-carnitine is good for? Read this post to find out how it can help you and how it affects sports performance.

Meditation: why is it important to know it?
It maintains emotional stability, allows you to overcome moments of great tension and is also useful for those who practice sport.
In this article Davide Gariboldi tells us about his experience and how the practice of meditation can be an art that can give us profound benefits for our health and quality of life.

Gut and health: the importance of a healthy microbiota
Its our second brain and its health is of vital importance.
Its correct functioning is the basis of the well-being of our organism.
But what is the human intestine like and what to do when it is not in perfect health?
Davide Gariboldi tells us about it

9 Ways to Accelerate Metabolism and Lose Weight
Let's see the strategies that work the most to speed up our metabolism. A fast and efficient metabolism is essential to burn more calories, more fat and lose weight.

When to take Protein Powders? The Best for Every Moment
Many wonders if it is better to take protein powder before or after the gym. In fact, for each type of protein (casein, whey, amino acids, meat, eggs, or fish) there is an ideal time of day in which to take them to maximize their effect on the muscles.

Azotemia and Bodybuilding
Word to the expert: Davide Gariboldi explains how to deal with blood azotemia in bodybuilding and the importance of correctly balancing nutrition and training.

How to structure calories in the muscle-building phase (off-season)
Increasing the muscles without increasing the fat mass is a common desire for those who attend gyms and play sports. So let's see how to set a diet suitable for increasing lean body mass and which supplements to insert to optimize results.

Ketogenic diet - Part 1 | What is it and how does it work?
In this first article, we introduce the ketogenic diet, a type of diet with low consumption of carbohydrates that induces the formation of acid substances in the body called "ketone bodies", used instead of glucose. Let's see then the mechanism of action of the ketogenic diet in detail and why it makes you lose weight.