
Biological value of a protein: what is it?
Methodologies for determining Biological value (BV) and typical values of common foods based on the quality of the proteins they contain.

iafstore Staff
July 20, 2021

L-carnitine | What it is used for and why to take it
L-carnitine is a non-essential amino acid found mainly in red meat, but can also be taken in the form of a food supplement. Are you a sportsman and wondering what L-carnitine is good for? Read this post to find out how it can help you and how it affects sports performance.

Arginine: all functions
Arginine is an amino acid with a long history: here is a list of the best known and studied functions of this protein component.
Niccolò Balboni
June 14, 2021

Healthy ageing with whey protein
The imbalance between the carbohydrates ingested and those actually used by our body, determines an increase in the glucose content in the blood and therefore an acceleration of the protein glycation process, therefore, a faster aging. A controlled diet associated with physical activity, certainly leads to a control of negative conditions and allows to delay the aging process.

What is whey protein used for and which ones?
Whey protein is without doubt the protein source with the highest biological value. There are various types of whey protein on the market. Which ones should be used? What are the benefits? And when to use them?

iafstore Staff
May 12, 2021

Protein supplements: what they are and what they are for
Properties and functions of protein supplements. Discover the differences between the various protein supplements on the market and how to use them.

iafstore Staff
May 12, 2021

Fish oil: Does it work? Properties and efficacy, dosage and method of use
Fish oil is an extract derived from fish tissue that has attracted particular commercial interest due to its high Omega 3 content in the forms of EPA and DHA. In this article, we will briefly look at the production process and then focus on the unique benefits of this supplement, which give it an important role in preventing many diseases and managing the ageing process.

iafstore Staff
April 27, 2021

Mood food: 6 foods that make happy
Among the foods that help us maintain a positive mood there is not only chocolate.
Many others are able to act on the tone of the mood and probably many of them did not think they were capable..

iafstore Staff
April 12, 2021

Carnitine: what it is and what used for
Carnitine is the compound responsible for the transport of long-chain fatty acids in the cellular units of energy production: the mitochondria.
Since carnitine can be synthesized from the essential amino acid lysine, many nutritionists and researchers believe that it should not be considered a vitamin.
For others, however, it is.
But let's see what it is and what are the consequences of its deficiency.

iafstore Staff
March 08, 2021

Porridge: why do they recommend it? Is it really that good?
Start the day in perfect Anglo-Saxon style by preparing, with me, a porridge for a healthy and nutritious breakfast.
Here's how it's done and why it's so good.

iafstore Staff
October 14, 2020

Pump | How Do the New Generation Pre-Workouts Help?
The pump, or muscle pumping, is not just a temporary condition that enhances the bodybuilder's ego at the end of the workout. Pumping has several implications for promoting muscle growth. Let's see the new generation pre-workouts that help the pumping, reconstruction, and muscle hydration process!

When to take Protein Powders? The Best for Every Moment
Many wonders if it is better to take protein powder before or after the gym. In fact, for each type of protein (casein, whey, amino acids, meat, eggs, or fish) there is an ideal time of day in which to take them to maximize their effect on the muscles.