
Natural Anabolic Steroids, do they really exist?
The body naturally produces steroids to build muscle tissue and for other important processes. We often hear of steroids in reference to anabolic drugs that are improperly and illegally used to increase muscle mass, ignoring the fact that there are natural substances that could, without the side effects of drug therapy, help us increase our training results. Let's find out what they are!

Hydrolyzed collagen and hyaluronic acid | How do they work?
What are the properties of hydrolyzed collagen supplements? Let's see why it is worth taking hydrolyzed collagen in synergy with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C to fight the signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagging skin.

Flavonoids: what they are and where they are found
PCOs, quercitin, citrus fruit bioflavonoids and green tea polyphenols: learn more about flavonoids, their use and the benefits they can bring to the body, and which foods are rich in flavonoids.

iafstore Staff
January 25, 2022

Black Guardian: let's purify ourselves. The body will thank you!
Black Guardian is the expression of a choice of 8 antioxidant and phytotherapeutic elements with synergistic activity that can help greatly in favoring the body's fundamental purifying processes.

Iron: food sources, deficiencies and physical performance
Iron is very important for human life; it plays a central role in the hemoglobin of red blood cells, where it participates in the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. Iron is also an integral part of several key enzymes in energy production and metabolism, including DNA synthesis.

iafstore Staff
October 04, 2021

Iron supplementation and its main functions
Its an essential component of the hemoglobin of red blood cells and is essential for the production of myoglobin in the muscles.
Find it in various enzymes including those that deal with the transformation of beta-carotene into vitamin A, the synthesis of nucleic acids and the production of collagen.
Niccolò Balboni
February 26, 2021

Muscle injuries | The role of Nutrition and Nutraceutical Integration
In case of injuries or muscle injuries, nutrition and the integration of nutraceutical elements play an important role in helping us in the recovery and rehabilitation management processes.

Creatine and Endurance | All the Positive Effects on Endurance Sports
Creatine Monohydrate is not only a dietary supplement for bodybuilders. It is also a great support for endurance athletes. Let's see what are the positive effects of creatine and which is the best version to take.