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Hydrolyzed collagen and hyaluronic acid | How do they work?
Hydrolyzed collagen and hyaluronic acid How do they work?

Hydrolyzed collagen and hyaluronic acid
How do they work?

Date: March 25, 2022

The boom in requests for hydrolyzed collagen supplements in recent years it confirms our perennial search for an elixir of youth to appear younger and fresher.

However, as time passes, the peach skin we had as children begins to give way and become marked with lines and fine lines linked to the natural aging process, the action of atmospheric agents (sun, cold, smog) and lifestyle (smoke , alcohol, unbalanced diet, etc.).

Collagen and aging

pelle e collagene


Collagen "supports" the skin and, as we get older, collagen Fibre break down, leading to wrinkles.



As we age, the body's natural synthesis of collagen is reduced and skin, hair and nails begin to thin, while joints and cartilages deteriorate. The most visible consequences are on the epidermis, the outermost state of the dermis, since collagen is the main protein of connective tissue (80%), that is, the tissue that makes up skin, muscles, hair, nails and cartilage. Think that, when we are young, as much as 40% of our collagen is contained in the skin, giving it the typical elasticity, tone, brightness and compactness. When the concentration of collagen decreases, the skin gradually loses its elasticity and tone, the fabric loosens and causes deeper sagging and wrinkles. The skin is more dehydrated and appears dull, flaccid and dull.

The action of hydrolyzed collagen supplements


Mature skin is clearly less elastic than young skin. Collagen supplements are useful for plumping it up and making it more toned and luminous.



This is where powdered or drinkable hydrolyzed collagen supplements come into play. The best for our purpose are those that contain peptide collagen (such as VERISOL® brand collagen), which is a hydrolyzate based on bioactive type I collagen with very high bioavailability, able to stimulate the biosynthesis of new collagen and increase the percentage of elastin in the skin. The result is a significant increase in the production of collagen in the dermis in the extracellular matrix, recovering what has been lost over time.


Numerous scientific studies have confirmed that collagen supplements, especially if they act in synergy with hyaluronic acid (a substance naturally produced by the body that helps moisturize and protect tissues) and vitamin C (powerful natural antioxidant that fights free radicals ) I'm able to:

  • improve the functional condition of the joints and bones,
  • slow down the skin aging processes,
  • markedly improve the depth of wrinkles,
  • bring a significant increase in the brightness, turgor and elasticity of the skin.

Hydrolyzed collagen is a real skin invigorating nutraceutical and its oral intake stimulates collagen production by nourishing the epidermis "from the inside" where no topical collagen treatment, such as creams or serums, can reach. Furthermore, by intervening from the dermis, the innermost layer of the skin, hydrolyzed collagen supplements help not only to fight wrinkles and sagging of the skin, but also to strengthen nails and hair .

One more reason to integrate collagen into our daily supplementation!



Would you use this type of supplement to maintain the beauty of your skin? Let us know in the comments!

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