The Expert's Word

L-Citrulline and Glutathione | The perfect combo for athletes!
L-Citrulline and Glutathione supplements assist the workout. They help improve performance and recovery times and increase the pump effect thanks to vasodilation.

Agnese Russo
August 08, 2019

DNS or Dynamic Neuromuscolar Stabilisation: Let's find out what it is
DNS or Dynamic Neuromuscolar Stabilisation is a kinesiological approach used by Pavel Kolar based on early childhood development principles.
Niccolò Balboni
October 02, 2017

Adenosylmethionine: what we need to know
Adenosylmethionine is a compound that is already present in the body which favours the methylation process and hence a multitude of positive enzyme processes for the body.

What you need to know to reduce the risk of injury
Please note that prevention does not mean the total risk of injury, but rather a minor incidence thereof. The problem is almost never in the joint or muscle involved, it is usually derived from compensation due to a movement deficit (it may be, but is less likely).
Niccolò Balboni
June 05, 2017

AminoDEX®: essential amino acids for post-workout recovery
AminoDEX® is the latest model of nutritional supplements from Yamamoto® Nutrition. It is an innovative type of food supplement, with essential amino acids of vegetable origin obtained using the Kyowa® fermentation method.

Autogenic Training: Instructions for Use
This concentration technique is used primarily in the sports field, during both preparation and during a race, to restore the mental ability and concentration/motivation of the athlete, and at certain times, should remove the states of exhaustion and psychic over-excitation as quickly as possible.
Niccolò Balboni
March 28, 2017

AlphaTECH: from the North Sea to our muscles ... Thanks again science!
How is it that from a salmon, man has been able to derive a substance made accessible for food use for many interesting purposes related to the integration of protein and malnutrition.

NeuroSURGE: we control fatigue and stress
The composition of NEUROSURGE contains the two important adaptogens of Rhodiola and Ashwagandha, with the support of Phosphatidylserine.

Metabolic damage: a silent, merciless reality
In the early 2000s, a noted Canadian trainer (Scott Abel) began to analyse the topic of metabolic damage, which can be defined as a real disorder that is spreading silently but rapidly, especially in women's competitive sport.

Insulin mimetics and the management of blood glucose
Over the years carbohydrates have been exalted and demonised, but the real problem lies in optimising their function. Let's take a look at what insulin mimetics are and what role they play in the management of blood glucose