
Allergies, intolerances and anaphylaxis
Allergies and intolerances can occur when the body reacts to a substance, ingested or by contact, and recognizes it as harmful, therefore, producing antibodies to neutralize it. To know the symptoms and to address the specialists is fundamental. We see together in principle the symptoms and the causes.

Beautiful and healthy skin from within
Beautiful and healthy skin is everyone’s dream.
Taking care of your skin with proper nutrition and supplementation, as well as protecting it from the aggression of external agents, allows each of us to have the best possible appearance despite the time.

iafstore Staff
February 28, 2023

Protect the skin from winter rigor: cosmetics and nutrition
The skin during the winter period is subject to different stress: the cold, the wind, the sun rays that are always present, an incorrect humidification of indoor environments... in short, to have a beautiful and healthy skin, Few but important measures must be taken in cosmetics and in food integration. Let’s see them together.

Giorgia Baglio
December 06, 2021

Acne: natural remedies to cure
It affects both men and women and is a very common disease.
In the first phase, acne can be cured through natural remedies that can act on the problem and avoid unpleasant situations.
In this interesting article we talk about acne, let's see what it is and what are the natural active ingredients able to act on this problem

iafstore Staff
April 16, 2021

Vitamin B1 or Thiamine: what it is and what it is used for
Vitamin B1 or thiamine is part of the water-soluble vitamins, those not accumulated in the body and which must be regularly consumed through food.
But what is vitamin B1 for?
Let's find out together in this article..

iafstore Staff
October 21, 2020

Skin aging | The active ingredients that help keep your skin young
Discover the best active ingredients that help to maintain the beauty of your skin! A smooth, firm, and luminous epidermis is not the result of chance: constant care and the intake of some natural substances can help you slow down the aging process.