
Lipoic acid: properties and contraindications
Lipoic acid is a sulfur-containing vitamin substance.
Involved in the conversion of carbohydrates into energy.
In addition, antioxidant properties are attributed.

iafstore Staff
March 08, 2021

Iron supplementation and its main functions
Its an essential component of the hemoglobin of red blood cells and is essential for the production of myoglobin in the muscles.
Find it in various enzymes including those that deal with the transformation of beta-carotene into vitamin A, the synthesis of nucleic acids and the production of collagen.
Niccolò Balboni
February 26, 2021

Vitamins and their functions
What and how many vitamins are essential for the body? A look at the types, in which foods they are present and the daily allowances allowed in food supplements.

iafstore Staff
February 26, 2021

Folic acid: what it is and what used for
Folic acid, also known as folate, folacin and pteroylmonoglutamate, participates together with vitamin B12 in many processes in the body. Its essential for cell division, as it is essential for DNA synthesis: in the absence of folic acid, cells do not divide properly.

iafstore Staff
February 25, 2021

Nutrients and their importance for the proper functioning of our body
Knowledge of nutrients and their functions in the body is necessary to understand the importance of good nutrition; the six groups of nutrients - carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water - are present in the foods we eat and contain the chemicals that work in one or more ways in our bodies: they supply the body with energy and heat, as well as substances for tissue growth and repair and help regulate processes.

iafstore Staff
February 17, 2021

Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6): uses, properties, foods and contraindications
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is a very important B vitamin, which participates in the synthesis of proteins and structural compounds of the organism, neurotransmitters in the nervous system and prostaglandins and in the maturation of red blood cells. Vitamin B6 is also essential for maintaining hormonal balance and good immune function.

iafstore Staff
December 07, 2020

Niacin (Vitamin B3, Nicotinic Acid, Niacinamide, Nicotinamide): where it is found and what it is used for
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Risultati della traduzione
Vitamin B3, soluble in water, is also known as niacin or vitamin PP for its action against pellagra ("pellagra preventive factor"), a once widespread disease caused by its deficiency. It is one of the most common vitamins stable: it does not fear oxygen, heat and light.

iafstore Staff
November 10, 2020

Vitamin B1 or Thiamine: what it is and what it is used for
Vitamin B1 or thiamine is part of the water-soluble vitamins, those not accumulated in the body and which must be regularly consumed through food.
But what is vitamin B1 for?
Let's find out together in this article..

iafstore Staff
October 21, 2020

Lutein | What is it For and What are the Properties for the Eyes?
Lutein (together with zeaxanthin) is the only carotenoid that is deposited in the macular portion of the eye, inside the retina, helping to protect normal vision. Let's see what it is used for and what its properties are.

Iron Supplements | Liposomal iron
Here's how iron supplements, especially liposomal iron, can help restore the right levels of this mineral in our body.

Vitamin D | Benefits and the 5 richest foods
Our body produces vitamin D due to the effect of sunlight on the skin, but not only. Let's see what are the foods rich in vitamin D, the deficiency symptoms, the benefits, the uses, and the dosages.

iafstore Staff
April 01, 2020