This hot chocolate, with a thick, creamy and velvety texture, with no added sugar, is the cuddle we need when it’s cold and freezing outside and we want a warm hug.
To be enjoyed still hot and perfect at any time of the day, this hot chocolate, with its aftertaste of toasted hazelnuts, will conquer you at the first taste.

Before seeing in detail the recipe of hot chocolate without sugar, let’s find out more about the history of this comfort food, famous all over the world.
History of hot chocolate
The first users and consumers of cocoa were the Maya and they are credited with the authorship of this hot drink.
Originally the hot chocolate was very different from the one we know today. It was made directly from cocoa beans and cooked in water.
At the end of the fifteenth century, after the discovery of America, cocoa was spread in Europe.
Perhaps it was the Axtec emperor Mentezuma II who started Hernan Cortés, the traditional chocolate drink called "chocolat", made with cocoa, vanilla and spices.
In Europe during the seventeenth century, hot chocolate was made with a cocoa paste solidified and then grated. In 1828, however, the Dutch Van Houten introduced cocoa powder which, from that moment on, was preferred to solidified pasta.
The traditional recipe for hot chocolate included cocoa, water, sugar and vanilla or cinnamon.
The British deserve the credit for replacing milk with water.
The appreciation was such that in London many chocolate houses soon spread, in which the elite of the society sat and sipped what was at the time a very expensive drink.
From then on, the whole world has never lost interest in chocolate and, hot chocolate, in particular, has become one of the most famous and widespread beverages on a large scale.
The recipes are many, today we will find out how to make it with a few fats and without using sugar.
Hot chocolate without added sugar (doses for 2 people)
- 600 ml. whole or vegetable milk s.z.
- 30 gr. cocoa
- 30 gr. Hazelnut and Choco cream
- 30 gr. oatmeal Dark Chocolate
- b. sweetener or 30 gr. sugar
- b. whipped fresh cream (optional)
- b. dark chocolate to decorate (optional)
- Pour the milk into a saucepan.
- Add bitter cocoa, sweetener or alternatively sugar, hazelnut and choco cream and mix.
- At this point add the oatmeal to the taste Dark Chocolate and move the pan to medium-low heat.
- Mix continuously and clockwise.
- After a few minutes, the chocolate will begin to thicken, continue to mix faster and faster until you get thick and creamy chocolate.
- Pour the hot chocolate into a very large cup (or several cups).
- Finish the recipe with the addition of fresh whipped cream and dark chocolate in flakes.
This hot chocolate can accompany you throughout the winter, resulting in a healthy and delicious recipe, with less fat than traditional versions and especially without sugar.