
Where does your Salmon come from? The Differences between Farmed VS Wild Salmon
Do you know the salmon you eat? Find out what are the differences between a farmed salmon and a wild fish and how to choose the best quality when you buy it from the supermarket.

How to structure calories in the muscle-building phase (off-season)
Increasing the muscles without increasing the fat mass is a common desire for those who attend gyms and play sports. So let's see how to set a diet suitable for increasing lean body mass and which supplements to insert to optimize results.

Ketogenic diet - Part 1 | What is it and how does it work?
In this first article, we introduce the ketogenic diet, a type of diet with low consumption of carbohydrates that induces the formation of acid substances in the body called "ketone bodies", used instead of glucose. Let's see then the mechanism of action of the ketogenic diet in detail and why it makes you lose weight.

The 7 reasons why drinking water is so important
Drinking enough water to stay healthy every day is not an easy and immediately obvious thing for everyone to do. It is therefore important to know exactly how much we should drink in order to keep properly hydrated, why this is so important for our well-being, and what happens if we don't consume enough fluids.

iafstore Staff
July 29, 2019

A Protein bar like you have never tasted before: sinfully delicious

Candice Lewis-Carter
April 12, 2018

Natural food supplements
Food supplements can be useful for anyone wishing to increase the nutritional value of their meals. Supplements can be in the form of tablets; different forms may have different nutritional characteristics.

iafstore Staff
September 20, 2017

Low glycemic index food
The glycemic index is a tool used to measure the rate at which the carbohydrate sugar enters the bloodstream. Carbohydrate foods are sweet (candy and sweet) but also all fruits, vegetables, cereals, pulses and dairy products.

iafstore Staff
September 15, 2017

Healthy diet? Here's the solution
What do you need in your diet to be truly healthy? This article describes how to have a healthy and balanced diet, explaining which products are recommended and which ones you should avoid.

iafstore Staff
December 09, 2016

The ABCDE cycle: new muscle mass?
Designed by a Swedish doctor and bodybuilder in the 1990s, the ABCDE cycle (Anabolic Burst Cycling Of Diet and Exercise) promises increased muscle mass through diet cycles and carefully designed training
Niccolò Balboni
September 26, 2016

Oily Seeds, tiny helpers for our well-being
A small amount of oily seeds included in your diet every day offers many benefits, of which few people are aware

Glycemic index and glycemic load of foods
How important is the glycemic index of foods? What is the difference between glycemic index and glycemic load? What are the foods with low, medium or high glycemic index?

iafstore Staff
June 14, 2016

Fat and diet: What to choose and how to assume them?
Advice on how to achieve optimal levels of essential fatty acids in the diet. What fats are preferable for diet and which fats should be avoided, needs and levels of dietary intake

iafstore Staff
June 13, 2016