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Caseins: role, origins and functions

Caseins: role, origins and functions

Among the most used supplements by those who practice bodybuilding or attend the gym in general certainly we find caseins, a particular class of peptides (proteins) known for their content of proteinogenic amino acids, able therefore to increase muscle mass and protect it after efforts. In this article we will discover together what they are, what they are for and how to integrate this specific class of molecules.
May 24, 2022
Pre-Workout: with or without stimulants?

Pre-Workout: with or without stimulants?

When we talk about a pre-workout what we expect is to take something that will give us that physical and mental boost, which will help us to give our best during the whole workout, and here's the crux of the matter: is it better to use pre-workouts with stimulants or without? And for whom or for which phases of the training periodization is it better to use one or the other?
Author: Agnese Russo
September 01, 2021
Pre-Race Nutrition | The Role of Carbohydrates in Endurance Racing

Pre-Race Nutrition | The Role of Carbohydrates in Endurance Racing

Is it right to increase carbohydrate consumption before a competition? Let's take a detailed look at the role of carbohydrates in the diet before intense activity to maximise sports performance.
July 21, 2021