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L-carnitine | What it is used for and why to take it

L-carnitine | What it is used for and why to take it

L-carnitine is a non-essential amino acid found mainly in red meat, but can also be taken in the form of a food supplement. Are you a sportsman and wondering what L-carnitine is good for? Read this post to find out how it can help you and how it affects sports performance.
June 22, 2021
Carnitine: what it is and what used for

Carnitine: what it is and what used for

Carnitine is the compound responsible for the transport of long-chain fatty acids in the cellular units of energy production: the mitochondria. Since carnitine can be synthesized from the essential amino acid lysine, many nutritionists and researchers believe that it should not be considered a vitamin. For others, however, it is. But let's see what it is and what are the consequences of its deficiency.
Author: iafstore Staff
March 08, 2021