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Autumn: its colors, its flavors and..its vitamins!
Autumn: its colors, its flavors and..its vitamins!

Autumn: its colors, its flavors and..its vitamins!

Date: October 12, 2020
Tag: vitamins

A show of colors and light effects; this is the first gift that autumn brings us; with its yellow leaves that quickly turn orange and red up to its fruits: real mix of vitamins with powerful properties.

Antioxidants, draining, diuretic, energizing: autumn and its fruits essential for our well-being !!!

Which are the most loved?

Kiwi: many positive properties in a low-calorie fruit

Rich in vitamins, in particular, vitamin C which helps strengthen the immune system, vitamin K essential for blood clotting and vitamin E, a very powerful antioxidant that protects cells from the action of free radicals.
The seeds, contained within it, give this fruit laxative properties.
But be careful not to abuse it; especially those with irritable colon

Persimmon: valid help for the immune system

Rich in vitamin C and mineral salts such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus; they also have a high dose of fiber which makes them an excellent remedy for constipation.

Energizing and support in stressful situations

The sugars contained are immediately absorbed by our body: better not to exceed the consumption by those who follow low-calorie diets.

It is one of the oldest fruits in history: man has been cultivating it for more than 2000 years

Apples and Pears: autumn antioxidants

Unmissable fruits on the tables this season; they are rich in antioxidants useful in the prevention of chronic diseases and aging situations.
Very few calories and many fibers make it the most suitable fruits for those who follow a low-calorie diet.
Furthermore, the fibers contained in pears are known for the reduction they bring to the absorption of fats in the intestine by promoting a lowering of LDL (bad cholesterol).

Grapes: queen of autumn

Rich in polyphenols (also contained in red wine) it is one of the most powerful antioxidants capable of protecting the cardiovascular system.

The potassium contained in it gives it diuretic properties useful in controlling blood pressure.
Magnesium fights cramps and fatigue but it is better not to overdo it for those suffering from diabetes.

The dried fruit of autumn?

Walnuts and chestnuts the most loved!

Walnuts, rich in beneficial properties, contain both mineral salts and omega 3 with an important action against cholesterol.
Vitamin E makes walnuts an elixir of youth which, by fighting the action of free radicals, transforms them into excellent antioxidants.
However, the most characteristic property of walnuts is that given by arginine, an amino acid that makes them perfect for those who practice sports.

The doctrine of signatures; the very ancient science that studies the sign with which a vegetable or animal element presents itself by defining, by analogy, its therapeutic function, agrees on one point: walnuts are good for the brain!

In fact, the walnut kernel recalls the structure of the cerebral cortex: this correspondence would define their bond.

Chestnuts are no less; rich in potassium and magnesium and able to bring various benefits to our body.

The chestnut tree also called "bread tree" represented an important source of provisions for entire peoples in the hardest periods

The richness in complex carbohydrates makes their nutritional profile similar to cereals: they are, in fact, a valid alternative in case of intolerances and completely cover the carbohydrate part of a meal.
Among the vitamins contained in chestnuts we find vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin, folic acid, vitamin C and D.

They are also rich in amino acids including arginine, glutamic acid and serine.

Mushrooms: typical autumn products

They are neither fruit nor vegetables but they are absolutely typical products of this season.
In particular, chanterelle mushrooms are a quality that should not be underestimated.

Rich in B vitamins, they support metabolism and give energy to the body.
They also contain vitamin D which fights free radicals and skin aging and supports the absorption of calcium.
Powerful antioxidants; they also contain vitamin C to support collagen and stimulate the immune system.

Pumpkin: the most loved vegetable

In Italy Mantova is the city that consumes the most!

A food with very few calories, many vitamins and minerals.
Rich in beta-carotene that the body uses to produce vitamin A; possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Pumpkin seeds help prevent cystitis and are high in protein
Pumpkin is a food rich in fiber which gives it laxative properties.
Its seeds contain cucurbit, a substance that counteracts both male and female urinary tract problems.


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