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April 6: World Sports Day
April 6: World Sports Day

April 6: World Sports Day

Date: April 06, 2021

World Day of Sport for Development and Peace

Its celebrated every year, all over the world, on 6 April in memory of the start date of the first Olympic Games of 1896 in Athens with the aim of raising awareness of the role played by sport in all societies and to highlight the positive impacts that they result in health, development, peace, gender equality and social integration.
Sport has extraordinary power; teaches discipline, loyalty and brings different cultures into contact which, through challenge, learn respect. A powerful social tool, capable of promoting integration and economic development in different contexts and spreading ideals of peace. Recognized as a universal language, sport is able to overcome any geographical barrier, unite divided communities by promoting concepts of tolerance and understanding.

Its values ​​such as teamwork, discipline, respect for the rules and loyalty are universally recognized around the world

Sport represents one of the possible tools in achieving the sustainable development goals.
For this reason, the United Nations and all its member states have awarded sport full recognition in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The Declaration recognizes: "the growing contribution of sport to the realization of development and peace in its promotion of tolerance and respect and the contribution it makes to strengthening the capacities of women and young people, individuals and communities, as well as to health , education and social inclusion goals ".

Every day, all over the world, organizations and individuals use sport as a tool to improve health, promote social inclusion and gender equality.

Sport is good for health

Physical activity is an important step that each of us can take to improve our health and quality of life.
Regular physical activity can help prevent or delay many health problems.
Being active helps you look healthy and feel better, both now and in the future.
In this particular historical period, moreover, its the tool that allows us to face daily stress and reduce the damage caused by a forced sedentary lifestyle.
Everyone can benefit from physical activity and the health benefits are possible for everyone: adults, young people and even people with physical and mental disabilities.

Body needs movement because regular physical activity helps reduce the risk of diseases and has positive effects on health and makes feel good

The main risks to our health include cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and other more serious types of diseases. (1)
Obesity is a complex disease that affects our metabolism with disastrous effects for the whole body and is also associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
Exercise has numerous health benefits and is an important tool in combating obesity and its comorbidities, including cardiovascular disease.
Prevents both the onset and the development of many diseases and represents an important therapeutic tool aimed at improving the quality of life levels of people who struggle with these diseases.

Some benefits of exercise include:

  • better mitochondrial function
  • restoration and improvement of vascularity
  • release of myokines from skeletal muscle
  • increased cardiovascular function

Regular exercise has several beneficial effects on overall health. Although decreases in body mass and body fat are not the main results induced by exercise, this can have extremely positive effects on diseases closely related to obesity such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. (2) (3) (4)
Therefore, lifestyle interventions that aim to increase physical activity and decrease obesity are effective therapeutic methods to combat most non-congenital cardiovascular problems. (5)

Physical activity: the benefits not to be forgotten

Making an analysis of scientific research we want to summarize the main benefits of physical activity:

Helps maintain a healthy body weight

Although exercise alone does not necessarily lead to weight loss, in combination with a balanced and controlled diet in terms of calories and food quality, can however support effective weight reduction and maintain it over time.

Lower blood pressure

Regular physical activity can increase heart strength by reducing the effort it takes to pump blood around the body.
This decreases the force on the arteries by reducing blood pressure.

Increase strength and muscle function

Skeletal muscle performs many functions, helps maintain posture, controls movement and quality of life.
As we age, due to a more sedentary lifestyle, muscle mass tends to decrease, reducing mobility and increasing the risk of falls related to sarcopenia.

Helps promote positive mental health

Regular exercise has been shown to have a positive effect on our mental health and psychological well-being.
Physical activity relieves stress and promotes a healthy sleep pattern which inevitably leads to improved mood.

To maintain a healthy balance its necessary to find something that makes us feel good.
Science has taught us that there are 4 substances that have a great impact on our mental well-being and our happiness: serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins and that their imbalance can have negative effects on our health.
Therefore, to stop unpleasant situations you need to find a balance. This can be done with therapeutic sessions, even taking medicines, but we know that sport exists; the most powerful medicine for body and soul.

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