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The importance of the front squats
The importance of the front squats

The importance of the front squats

Date: May 15, 2016

Lovers of Cast Iron, Body building, Functional Training, Power lifting and Fitness Squat think that when we talk about exclusively of the Classic Squats (with the barbell behind the neck), it is the best version of the training of legs and entire body.

Without a doubt it is the best exercise that exists to develop strength and muscle mass, but are we sure that it is the best exercise to begin intensive leg training?


All of us, me included, are wrong in ignoring and discriminating the front squat.

Another mistake we have all made is to not have begun to run squats before starting with learning the Front Squat. I will explain why!

Running front squats with dumbbell

Running front squats with dumbbell

Front Squat: an underestimated exercise

The Front Squat is the exercise most overlooked and underestimated in the gym and athletic training. Many people start to train with the squat, starting from the classic version without being ready to do so, both from a technical point of view and from the point of view of coordination and fluidity of articular chains involved.

Advantages of front squats

The Front Squat not only prepares the athlete in the proper performance of the squat, but is the real preliminary version and features:

  • minor difficulty of alignment
  • better load distribution of the body and body weight
  • deeper movements with best training and stimulation of the buttocks
  • less load on the lower lumbar region or lower back
  • Optimal solicitation of minor muscles such as erector spinae muscles, multifidi, sacro lumbar region and lower back square
  • involvement of the whole area of ??the core as a stabilisation zone during the exercise

What happens?

As you'll see from the video, I will use dumbbell as a tool.



Bend your legs down in full squat.
Try to go down into the deepest movement that you can while preserving the physiological curves of the back.

Head back to the starting position.

What tools to use

This Fundamental Movement can be performed with different tools: Handlebar, Olympic Barbell, traditional rocker, one kettlebell, two kettlebells, medicine ball, Madball, K-Bag etc.

Obviously the use of various instruments will be indicated depending on the training objective: strength, mass, explosiveness, strength, agility and coordination.

Bariocentric squat vs traditional front squat

Bariocentric position: a comparison between the traditional squat and the front squat

The benefits of front squats

Anti lower back pain

Many successful and famous trainers in the world of weight training, functional training and gyms, argue that this exercise is a real touch for healthy back pain and can be used as a preventive exercise to strengthen this area and therefore as a kind of anti lower back pain exercise.

Obviously in the acute phase one should never exercise and rest only.

When you are healthy enough, you can begin lightly loaded exercise and you will see the improvements within a short time.

Preparatory to complex exercises

Know that many complex back exercises are required because they are fundamentally needed to transform one's body into that of a sports or professional athlete. You will be able to run excellently thanks to a well executed front squat.

We think, without having learned the technique of front squats, it will be difficult to completely execute the Olympic jerk or strain exercises.

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