Nature offers wonderful gifts that can use in our diet or food supplementation to make our bodies better and rediscover well-being in a completely natural way.
One of these? Acerola (Malpighia emarginata) the bright red fruit known as one of the major natural sources of vitamin C that comes from a tropical shrub native to Central America.
A fruit that is not only Vitamin C but also much more to know..

What is it

Its fruit, very similar to cherry, so much so as to be called Cherry of Barbados or Brazil, differs from the latter for its internal composition that is more reminiscent of a mandarin, being made up of red-orange wedges with a flavor that acidulous typical of citrus fruits and with a very high concentration of ascorbic acid characteristic of these fruits.

Having discovered the properties of the acerola, the sailors of the nineteenth century began to bring with them stocks of fruits that they planted in every place they landed to ensure care wherever they were.
Thanks to its astringent properties, acerola was used by the Amazonian populations as a remedy for diarrhea and intestinal problems.
The success of this fruit is to be attributed to its very high concentration of Vitamin C which is 20-30 times higher than that of a kiwi or an orange.

Do you know that..

It also contain twice as much magnesium as oranges and the same amount of provitamin A as carrots?

sondaggio_si = I knew the Acerola and its many properties

sondaggio_no = I didn't know this fruit

Acerola is a fruit with a high antioxidant power both for the rich presence of Vitamin C and for the polyphenols and carotenoids contained in it, presenting a better absorption than other fruits.
Only those who live in the acerola habitat areas have the opportunity to consume its fruit fresh but its consumption remains, however, very widespread as a juice and as a supplement from natural extract.

A fruit indicated to combat flu symptoms and respiratory diseases: stimulates the immune system and is therefore indicated prevent healing from typical winter ailments..

Thanks to its very high concentration of Vitamin C, acerola is one of the best extracts indicated to deal with seasonal ailments, proving to be an excellent remedy against flu, colds, rhinitis and all respiratory tract infections.
Its properties are multiple, thanks to its high content of other bioactive elements such as bioflavonoids and tannins and other precious micronutrients such as provitamin A, B vitamins and mineral salts such as iron, magnesium and potassium.

The presence of provitamin A allows acerola, as a supplement, to act positively on vision and be a good ally in the prevention of degenerative diseases that can affect the retina, also improving night vision and crespuscular vision and reducing the risk of developing degenation of cataracts.

Acerola: a beauty elixir

Thanks to polyphenols and carotenoids in addition to Vitamin C in high concentration, as well as a powerful antioxidant, acerola is also a valid support against skin aging by counteracting free radicals.
The presence of Vitamin C makes it an element recommended even in pregnancy as Vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron and the formation in the intestine of folic acid necessary, during pregnancy, for the health and well-being of the fetus.

Furthermore, several studies have shown how chlorogenic acid, contained in acerola, is able to lower the level of glucose in the blood, proving useful to be integrated into the diet of people with diabetes or sugar metabolism problems.


Acerola is well tolerated, no known contraindications and no side effects reported at recommended doses.
Isn't recommended for those suffering from gastritis and kidney stones as it would favor the formation of calcium oxalate.
Isn't recommended to take acerola together with herbal products useful for urinary tract infections and containing, in particular, bearberry or strawberry tree as the high concentration of vitamin C can interfere with the disinfectant activity of their hydroquinone glycosides.

Scientific references:

Prakash A, Baskaran R. Acerola, an untapped functional superfruit: a review on latest frontiers. J Food Sci Technol. 2018 Sep;55 (9):3373-3384. doi: 10.1007/s13197-018-3309-5. Epub 2018 Jul 11. PMID: 30150795; PMCID: PMC6098779.

Takino Y, Aoki H, Kondo Y, Ishigami A. Acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC.) Promotes Ascorbic Acid Uptake into Human Intestinal Caco-2 Cells via Enhancing the Gene Expression of Sodium-Dependent Vitamin C Transporter 1. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 2020;66(4):296-299. doi:

Rabelo MC, Bang WY, Nair V, Alves RE, Jacobo-Velázquez DA, Sreedharan S, de Miranda MRA, Cisneros-Zevallos L. UVC light modulates vitamin C and phenolic biosynthesis in acerola fruit: role of increased mitochondria activity and ROS production. Sci Rep. 2020 Dec 15;10(1):21972. doi